Monocular Camera
The class that implements a monocular camera sensor. |
- class pegasus.simulator.logic.graphical_sensors.monocular_camera.MonocularCamera
The class that implements a monocular camera sensor. This class inherits the base class GraphicalSensor.
(camera_name[, config])Initialize the MonocularCamera class
(vehicle)A method that can be invoked when the simulation is starting to give access to the control backend to the entire vehicle object.
()Method that when implemented should handle the begining of the simulation of vehicle
()Method that when implemented should handle the stopping of the simulation of vehicle
(state, dt)Method that should be implemented by the class that inherits Sensor.
(dict) The 'state' of the sensor, i.e. the data produced by the sensor at any given point in time.
- __init__(camera_name, config={})
Initialize the MonocularCamera class
Check the oficial documentation for the Camera class in Isaac Sim:
- Parameters:
config (dict) – A Dictionary that contains all the parameters for configuring the MonocularCamera - it can be empty or only have some of the parameters used by the MonocularCamera.
The dictionary default parameters are
>>> {"depth": True, >>> "position": np.array([0.30, 0.0, 0.0]), >>> "orientation": np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), >>> "resolution": (1920, 1200), >>> "frequency": 30, >>> "intrinsics": np.array([[958.8, 0.0, 957.8], [0.0, 956.7, 589.5], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]), >>> "distortion_coefficients": np.array([0.14, -0.03, -0.0002, -0.00003, 0.009, 0.5, -0.07, 0.017]), >>> "diagonal_fov": 140.0}
- initialize(vehicle)
A method that can be invoked when the simulation is starting to give access to the control backend to the entire vehicle object. Even though we provide update_sensor and update_state callbacks that are called at every physics step with the latest vehicle state and its sensor data, having access to the full vehicle object may prove usefull under some circumstances. This is nice to give users the possibility of overiding default vehicle behaviour via this control backend structure.
- Parameters:
vehicle (Vehicle) – A reference to the vehicle that this sensor is associated with
- start()
Method that when implemented should handle the begining of the simulation of vehicle
- stop()
Method that when implemented should handle the stopping of the simulation of vehicle
- update(state, dt)
Method that should be implemented by the class that inherits Sensor. This is where the actual implementation of the sensor should be performed.
- property state
(dict) The ‘state’ of the sensor, i.e. the data produced by the sensor at any given point in time