PX4 Mavlink Backend
The Mavlink Backend used to receive the vehicle's state and sensor data in order to send to PX4 through mavlink. |
An auxiliary data class used to store all the configurations for the mavlink communications. |
- class pegasus.simulator.logic.backends.px4_mavlink_backend.PX4MavlinkBackend
The Mavlink Backend used to receive the vehicle’s state and sensor data in order to send to PX4 through mavlink. It also receives via mavlink the thruster commands to apply to each vehicle rotor.
()Gets called when the PX4MavlinkBackend object gets destroyed.
([config])Initialize the PX4MavlinkBackend
(time_usec, controls, mode, flags)Method that when received a control message, compute the forces simulated force that should be applied on each rotor of the vehicle
Method that when implemented, should return a list of desired angular velocities to apply to the vehicle rotors
Method that is used to check if new mavlink messages were received
Auxiliar method used to get the MavlinkInterface to reset the MavlinkInterface to its initial state
()For now does nothing.
(time_usec)Method that is used to send simulated GPS data through the mavlink protocol.
(time_usec)Method that is used to send the groundtruth data of the vehicle through mavlink
([mav_type])Method that is used to publish an heartbear through mavlink protocol
(time_usec)Method that when invoked, will send the simulated sensor data through mavlink
(time_usec)Method that is used to send simulated vision/mocap data through the mavlink protocol.
()Method that handles the begining of the simulation of vehicle.
()Method that when called will handle the stopping of the simulation of vehicle.
(dt)Method that is called at every physics step to send data to px4 and receive the control inputs via mavlink
(data)Gets called by the 'update_sensor' method to update the current Barometer data
(data)Gets called by the 'update_sensor' method to update the current GPS data
(sensor_type, data)Method that when implemented, should handle the receival of graphical sensor data
(data)Gets called by the 'update_sensor' method to update the current IMU data
(data)Gets called by the 'update_sensor' method to update the current Vision data
(sensor_type, data)Method that is used as callback for the vehicle for every iteration that a sensor produces new data.
(state)Method that is used as callback and gets called at every physics step with the current state of the vehicle.
(data)Method that 'in the future' will get called by the 'update_sensor' method to update the current Vision data This callback is currently not being called (TODO in a future simulator version) :param data: The data produced by an Vision sensor :type data: dict
Responsible for waiting for the first hearbeat.
- __del__()
Gets called when the PX4MavlinkBackend object gets destroyed. When this happens, we make sure to close any mavlink connection open for this vehicle.
- __init__(config=<pegasus.simulator.logic.backends.px4_mavlink_backend.PX4MavlinkBackendConfig object>)
Initialize the PX4MavlinkBackend
- Parameters:
config (PX4MavlinkBackendConfig) – The configuration class for the PX4MavlinkBackend. Defaults to PX4MavlinkBackendConfig().
- handle_control(time_usec, controls, mode, flags)
Method that when received a control message, compute the forces simulated force that should be applied on each rotor of the vehicle
- input_reference()
Method that when implemented, should return a list of desired angular velocities to apply to the vehicle rotors
- poll_mavlink_messages()
Method that is used to check if new mavlink messages were received
- re_initialize_interface()
Auxiliar method used to get the MavlinkInterface to reset the MavlinkInterface to its initial state
- reset()
For now does nothing. Here for compatibility purposes only
- send_gps_msgs(time_usec)
Method that is used to send simulated GPS data through the mavlink protocol.
- Parameters:
time_usec (int) – The total time elapsed since the simulation started
- send_ground_truth(time_usec)
Method that is used to send the groundtruth data of the vehicle through mavlink
- Parameters:
time_usec (int) – The total time elapsed since the simulation started
- send_heartbeat(mav_type=pymavlink.mavutil.mavlink.MAV_TYPE_GENERIC)
Method that is used to publish an heartbear through mavlink protocol
- Parameters:
mav_type (int) – The ID that indicates the type of vehicle. Defaults to MAV_TYPE_GENERIC=0
- send_sensor_msgs(time_usec)
Method that when invoked, will send the simulated sensor data through mavlink
- Parameters:
time_usec (int) – The total time elapsed since the simulation started
- send_vision_msgs(time_usec)
Method that is used to send simulated vision/mocap data through the mavlink protocol.
- Parameters:
time_usec (int) – The total time elapsed since the simulation started
- start()
Method that handles the begining of the simulation of vehicle. It will try to open the mavlink connection interface and also attemp to launch px4 in a background process if that option as specified in the config class
- stop()
Method that when called will handle the stopping of the simulation of vehicle. It will make sure that any open mavlink connection will be closed and also that the PX4 background process gets killed (if it was auto-initialized)
- update(dt)
Method that is called at every physics step to send data to px4 and receive the control inputs via mavlink
- Parameters:
dt (float) – The time elapsed between the previous and current function calls (s).
- update_bar_data(data)
Gets called by the ‘update_sensor’ method to update the current Barometer data
- Parameters:
data (dict) – The data produced by an Barometer sensor
- update_gps_data(data)
Gets called by the ‘update_sensor’ method to update the current GPS data
- Parameters:
data (dict) – The data produced by an GPS sensor
- update_graphical_sensor(sensor_type, data)
Method that when implemented, should handle the receival of graphical sensor data
- update_imu_data(data)
Gets called by the ‘update_sensor’ method to update the current IMU data
- Parameters:
data (dict) – The data produced by an IMU sensor
- update_mag_data(data)
Gets called by the ‘update_sensor’ method to update the current Vision data
- Parameters:
data (dict) – The data produced by an Vision sensor
- update_sensor(sensor_type, data)
Method that is used as callback for the vehicle for every iteration that a sensor produces new data. Only the IMU, GPS, Barometer and Magnetometer sensor data are stored to be sent through mavlink. Every other sensor data that gets passed to this function is discarded.
- update_state(state)
Method that is used as callback and gets called at every physics step with the current state of the vehicle. This state is then stored in order to be sent as groundtruth via mavlink
- Parameters:
state (State) – The current state of the vehicle.
- update_vision_data(data)
Method that ‘in the future’ will get called by the ‘update_sensor’ method to update the current Vision data This callback is currently not being called (TODO in a future simulator version) :param data: The data produced by an Vision sensor :type data: dict
- wait_for_first_hearbeat()
Responsible for waiting for the first hearbeat. This method is locking and will only return if an hearbeat is received via mavlink. When this first heartbeat is received poll for mavlink messages
- class pegasus.simulator.logic.backends.px4_mavlink_backend.PX4MavlinkBackendConfig
An auxiliary data class used to store all the configurations for the mavlink communications.
([config])Initialize the PX4MavlinkBackendConfig class
- __init__(config={})
Initialize the PX4MavlinkBackendConfig class
- Parameters:
config (dict) – A Dictionary that contains all the parameters for configuring the Mavlink interface - it can be empty or only have some of the parameters used by this backend.
The dictionary default parameters are
>>> {"vehicle_id": 0, >>> "connection_type": "tcpin", >>> "connection_ip": "localhost", >>> "connection_baseport": 4560, >>> "px4_autolaunch": True, >>> "px4_dir": "PegasusInterface().px4_path", >>> "px4_vehicle_model": "gazebo-classic_iris", >>> "enable_lockstep": True, >>> "num_rotors": 4, >>> "input_offset": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], >>> "input_scaling": [1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0], >>> "zero_position_armed": [100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0], >>> "update_rate": 250.0 >>> }