Pegasus Simulator ################# Overview ======== **Pegasus Simulator** is a framework built on top of `NVIDIA Omniverse `__ and `Isaac Sim `__. It is designed to provide an easy yet powerful way of simulating the dynamics of multirotors vehicles. It provides a simulation interface for `PX4 `__ integration as well as custom python control interface. At the moment, only multirotor vehicles are supported, with support for other vehicle topologies planned for future versions. .. raw:: html

Pegasus Simulator image Pegasus Simulator gif

If you find ``Pegasus Simulator`` useful in your academic work, please cite the paper below. It is also available `here `_. .. code-block:: bibtex @misc{jacinto2023pegasus, title={Pegasus Simulator: An Isaac Sim Framework for Multiple Aerial Vehicles Simulation}, author={Marcelo Jacinto and João Pinto and Jay Patrikar and John Keller and Rita Cunha and Sebastian Scherer and António Pascoal}, year={2023}, eprint={2307.05263}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.RO} } Developer Team ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This simulation framework is an open-source effort, started by me, Marcelo Jacinto in January/2023. It is a tool that was created with the original purpose of serving my Ph.D. workplan for the next 4 years, which means that you can expect this repository to be mantained, hopefully at least until 2027. - Project Founder - `Marcelo Jacinto `__, under the supervision of Prof. Rita Cunha and Prof. Antonio Pascoal (IST/ISR-Lisbon) - Architecture - `Marcelo Jacinto `__ - `João Pinto `__ - Multirotor Dynamic Simulation and Control - `Marcelo Jacinto `__ - Example Applications - `Marcelo Jacinto `__ - `João Pinto `__ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Getting Started source/setup/installation source/setup/developer .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Tutorials source/tutorials/run_extension_mode source/tutorials/create_standalone_application source/tutorials/create_standalone_simulation source/tutorials/create_custom_backend .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Features source/features/environments source/features/vehicles source/features/px4_integration .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Source API source/api/index .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: References source/references/contributing source/references/known_issues source/references/changelog source/references/roadmap source/references/license source/references/bibliography .. automodule::"pegasus_isaac" :platform: Linux-x86_64 :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: :imported-members: :exclude-members: contextmanager Other Simulation Frameworks =========================== In this section, we acknowledge the nobel work of those who came before us and inspired this work: - :cite:p:`gazebo` Gazebo simulator - :cite:p:`rotorS` RotorS simulation plugin for gazebo - :cite:p:`px4` PX4-SITL simulation plugin for gazebo - :cite:p:`airsim` Microsoft Airsim project for Unreal Engine - :cite:p:`flightmare` Flightmare simulator for Unity - :cite:p:`jmavsim` jMAVSim java simulator *"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants."*, Sir Isaac Newton Project Sponsors ================ - Dynamics Systems and Ocean Robotics (DSOR) group of the Institute for Systems and Robotics (ISR), a research unit of the Laboratory of Robotics and Engineering Systems (LARSyS). - Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa The work developed by Marcelo Jacinto and João Pinto was supported by Ph.D. grants funded by Fundação para as Ciências e Tecnologias (FCT). .. raw:: html